With a lot of passion, creativity, and the pursuit of success, and leaving a mark in the world of high-end home accessories in Kuwait, the two Kuwaiti women, Ghaneemah Ayad Al-Thuwaini & Hala Loay Al-Kharafi, established the Apara store for modern furnishings and luxury home accessories in 2022, which will start its business in Kuwait first to expand globally in the near future.

Apara Boutique is directed to customers who are looking for quality and luxurious elegance, offering everything that is new and unique in the world of home furnishings and high-end and distinctive accessories.
The store will offer unique bespoke products and pieces, first-class services and benefits to interested customers, which makes it distinct from other stores in the world of home design.
Apara's vision is to enhance luxury living standards and modern lifestyles to create an entity that fills the void in the Kuwaiti market by bringing together elements from existing international brands, to meet the needs of the market, for the Apara store to be the main reference in the world of modern home furnishings and high-end accessories.

The boutique will provide high-quality products and high-level services while maintaining the highest levels of integrity and communicating with customers using the latest communication channels available.
In addition to working on creating and designing unique pieces that are not available in any other local store, one of the latest trends in the world of home furnishing, Apara Boutique is also looking forward to launching a competitive online store that uses the latest technology to provide an easy and convenient experience for users, and the use of enthusiastic partners with great skills to provide an outstanding customer experience.

In a lavish and dazzling event, managed by The BYFFR Company,the Apara store was launched in the presence of many dignitaries, family, and friends who were introduced to the wonderful and unique pieces that the boutique would offer.
Preparations have been made to open its doors to the public on the 11th of December, and it is expected that the Apara store will leave a unique imprint in the Kuwaiti market, and deservedly.

في حفل فخم ومبهر بإدارة شركة The BYFFR تم إطلاق متجر آبارا بحضور العديد من الشخصيات المرموقة، والعائلة، والأصدقاء اللذين تعرفوا من خلال الحفل على القطع الرائعة والفريدة التي سيوفرها البوتيك.
وقد تمت التحضيرات لفتح أبوابه أمام العامة بتاريخ 11 ديسمبر، ومن المتوقع أن يترك متجر آبارا بصمة فريدة في السوق الكويتي وبكل جدارة.