Ounass and 3oud.com Host a Special Suhoor at Dar Solange in Kuwait

Mar 17, 2025

Ounass, in collaboration with 3oud.com, hosted an exclusive Suhoor at Dar Solange in Kuwait, bringing together a distinguished gathering of VIP guests, fashion experts, and media personalities. The event blended elegance and warmth in a celebratory evening that transported guests to a world where modernity and heritage intertwine, in honor of the holy month.

Amidst a refined Ramadan ambiance, guests enjoyed an exceptional experience of luxury hospitality. The venue was adorned with exquisite details that reflected the spirit of the blessed month, enriched with creative touches that embody Ounass’s commitment to offering a premium shopping experience and 3oud’s dedication to highlighting the latest fashion and beauty trends in the region.

In this intimate Ramadan setting, where authenticity met contemporary sophistication, guests indulged in the enchanting melodies of live music that added a magical touch to the evening. They also savored a selection of exquisite dishes crafted by Dar Solange, making the Suhoor a truly immersive experience that combined elegance, refined taste, and a warm, inviting atmosphere.

Hessa AlMutairi
Nesef Alnesef, Sara Behbehani, Jassim Alsaddah
Hania AlKhamees, Leen AlKhalifa
Fatima AlAmir
Dalal AlHajeri
Rawan Mahdi
Noor AlNafisi